9 Bedtime Habits to Adopt for The Best Sleep Quality
Tue 13 04 2021

Bedtime is a word that reminds us of our childhood when our parents used to force us to sleep no less than 8 hours every night to wake up with full energy for the next day. However, bedtime is a part of being human. Whether you decide to sleep early, sleep 5, 8, or 12 hours, we all need to sleep. So if you are looking for ways to improve your sleep with your bedtime routine, here are 9 bedtime habits to adopt for the best sleep quality.

1. Set a sleeping time

Having a consistent sleep routine is important for your brain to start preparing itself to sleep, every night at the same time. You can start by setting an approximate time, for example between 10 and 10:30 pm, and try to fall asleep at any minute between these intervals.

2. get rid of electronics

So far we know that electronics emit a light that is bad for our eyes and brain especially at night. This light, alongside the effects and sounds that electronics make, will energize our brain and makes us unable to fall asleep.

3. Have a bedtime tea or a light snack

There is a reason why it is recommended to eat light at night, not only to lose weight but also because heavy meals cause digestion problems which leads to difficulties in sleep. So try something light before bed, or make sure that you have your dinner at least 2 hours before sleeping.

4. Take a warm bath

A warm bath can regulate your body temperature so it is ready to sleep. Therefore, having a warm bath can signal to your brain that your body is ready to sleep now.

5. Listen to music

Music can help you sleep more than you think. Chose a type of music that relaxes you and plays it. You can close your eyes and focus on the sounds so you are distracted from all the worries that are keeping you from sleeping.

6. Stretch, breathe, and relax

Relaxation techniques are a great way to release tension from your muscles and relax your overall body. Therefore, adopt some stretching and breathing techniques 10 to 20 minutes before bedtime to relax your body and prepare it for sleep.

7. Meditate

Meditation is a good way to relax and improve your sleeping quality. Try mindfulness meditation to learn how to allow your thoughts and manage your emotions preparing your brain and body for sleep.

8. Read a book

Reading a book with a plot that is simple and slow (not exciting and thrilling) will help your mind relax and wind down, preparing it for a good night's sleep.

9 Journal or prepare your to-do list for the next day

Journaling is a good way to get the negative thoughts out of your brain so you are more relaxed and ready to sleep. Also writing a to-do list can help you plan for the next day so you are less worried about it.




