How to stay motivated to maintain a fitness plan during quarantine?
Wed 09 09 2020

It might be hard to stay motivated to do anything during quarantine, and maintaining a fitness plan is not an exception. Now that quarantine (forced or voluntary) has been there for some time now, we might find that we are unmotivated to continue the tasks we’ve set for ourselves. There are many ways to stay motivated to maintain a fitness plan during quarantine, and we will explore some of them in this article.

1. Set a specific routines list

Set a list of routines for yourself where you add all the details for every task. Add the beginning and end time of every task, the tasks by priorities, and based on your daily schedule. This will help you know what you have to do now and next. Make sure that you add working out to this list so that you have a specific time daily for being physically active.

2. Have a schedule

Other than a list of routines, it is important to have a workout schedule. In this schedule you specify the types of workouts you will be doing each day of the week. Make sure that you vary your workouts and that you target different parts of your body to see well results in all of them together. This will also motivate you to do today’s workout knowing that it is different than what you’ve done last time.

3. Remember the reason why you are working out

Always remember the reason why you’ve set your fitness plan and goals. This will keep you motivated to continue your plan and reach the endpoint. Have you decided to lose weight? Bring your six-packs out? Improve your mental health? Write your goal somewhere you will see frequently with a motivational picture, and you will feel the urge of working out every time you see that slogan.

4. Cut down your big goal into smaller ones

In order to reach the last stage of a long journey, you need to take steps. You never reach your end goal in one night or one step. Brake down your big goal into small ones and work on achieving each small goal until you make it to where you are heading.

5. Eat healthily

Eating healthy can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Make sure that you eat the healthiest foods possible, you limit ordering delivered foods, and that you include enough fruits and vegetable in your diet. This will give you more energy to work out since you are following a clean diet and you will feel motivated whenever you see that your body is transforming faster now that you are following a healthy diet.

6. Do not work out alone

If you are not quarantined alone, get your quarantine buddies (family, partner, or friends) to work out with you. You will feel motivated when the competition is involved and having someone by your side will make the workout sessions feel less dull and more energetic.



