Here is how physical activity affects your brain
Tue 08 09 2020

There are many ways why people decide to work out. Whether you do it to stay in shape or maintain good health, your brain will be affected in both cases by your decision. Alongside losing weight and strengthening your muscles, physical activity is beneficial for your brain in many ways. In this article, we will discover how physical activity affects your brain.

How physical activity impacts your brain positively

1. During your workout, your brain’s blood vessel growth and the oxygen circulation is improved. This happens specifically in areas responsible for rational thinking, physical, social and intellectual performance.

2. Exercising helps lower the levels of stress hormones and higher levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain which are responsible for accelerating the information processing.

3. Exercising helps regulate neurotrophins which are responsible for the survival and functioning of neurons.

Benefits of physical activity for the brain:

1. It can improve your attention

The ability to pay attention and focus is improved after doing intense exercises. It might not change much if you do light exercises but can score better results when the exercises you do are of high intensity.

2. It can improve your memory

The brain’s hippocampus (a part of your brain that is related to learning and memory) is affected by your physical activity, as it grows even when you simple tasks like walking or gardening. In fact, studies have shown that if you like the activity you are doing, the impact can be even bigger.

3. It can ease anxiety and depression

Symptoms of anxiety and depression can be lowered by aerobic exercises. Some doctors would suggest physical activity as a treatment to these mental issues. This could be because the breakdown of brain cells and the damage are slowed down by exercising. If you decide to adopt this method to improve your mental health, you must know that it could take months to see a full result, so make physical activity part of your lifestyle, rather than just a treatment.

4. It can improve your brain’s flexibility

Young brains are known to have better neuroplasticity (the ability to change and adapt to new learned skills and methods). Aerobic exercise is believed to plan an important role in improving your brain’s flexibility and neuroplasticity.

5. It can help you avoid dementia

People who exercise regularly are less prone to memory diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's. This is because exercising is able to prevent some problems that could be linked to dementia and memory issues such as diabetes, obesity, depression, high blood pressure and others. Furthermore, exercising might be able to increase white and gray brain matter and decrease the number of diseased tissues helping you have a healthy brain.

6. It can improve blood flow to your brain

Exercising strengthens your heart and blood vessels, which improves the flow of blood to your brain. This can contribute to helping decrease or stop the buildup of plaques that are related to dementia.



